The Kabul Green Homes Project team held its 4th Steering Committee Meeting
Involving stakeholders on the Kabul Green Homes Project’s methodology and strategy is key to its success. The project is being monitored, supervised and supported by a steering committee whose meetings are a great and high level platform for sharing latest updates on the project’s achievements, challenges and plans. In addition, stakeholders can share their own achievements, priorities and plans for further collaboration between organizations.
The fourth steering committee meeting was held on the 28th of January 2020 at Geres office. The project management team from each partner (Geres, RMO and AMA). The representatives from the Kabul Municipality, NEPA and MoEW also participated in this meeting and gave a brief speech on Kabul city pollution as well as their priorities and plans.
Project partners gave an update on the methodology, field constraints, the role of local stakeholders, access to green loan, KGHP communication strategy, sustainability plans, key findings and shared some recommendations for improvements.
The meeting continued with an open discussion about increasing the role of stakeholders for future projects, ensuring sustainability of developed solutions, increasing demand for green loans and integrating developed solutions into policies and norms. An action plan for the next quarter and months was presented by the project team and approved by the committee members.
The meeting was fruitful and showed a path for future cooperation and partnership between the organizations. The steering committee meetings are requested to take place on a quarterlybasis.
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