
Study reports of the Switch Off Air Pollution project in Mongolia

Analysis on household socio economic survey by the National Statistical Office of Mongolia

Baseline study brief report

The baseline study research report, prepared by Switch Off Air Pollution’s implementing partner, People in Need INGO, presents the ger area households’ attitude, interest, and knowledge about air pollution, current condition of their financial capacity and housing condition and relation between air pollution and housing, especially insulation and their attitude towards future. The households are chosen from the target district of the Switch Off Air Pollution project.

Analysis on household socio economic survey by the National Statistical Office of Mongolia

The Geres Mongolian Financial team made a distinguished analysis on the Household income and expenditure survey raw data by the National Statistical Office of Mongolia, in order to see general picture of the Ger area household’s investment capacity, focusing on those who are living in the detached houses. Have a read at the report to see more of the analysis in its every aspect.

The survey report – Creation of database on micro, small and medium sized enterprises and brigades operating in construction sector of  Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

The survey analyzes the database of work experience, professional skills, economic indicators, and labor force information of “Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises as known as Brigades” who operate in the construction sector within 6 central districts in Ulaanbaatar, capital city of Mongolia to identify the interest of 50 brigades and citizens who willing to work in the construction sector by selecting them with benchmarking process of one and two-stage in accordance with meeting the project goal. This is the first time this type of survey is conducted  about this group in Mongolia. The survey report was prepared by the Mongolian National Construction Association, one of the implementing parties of the Switch Off Air Pollution project.

Qualification of existing habitat and heating sources

This report is consisted of extensive data on energy performances and first ever definition of typologies of the current detached houses in the ger khoroolol area of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia that was collected by the Building Energy Efficiency Center, one of the Project implementing partners. For instance, houses made of timber and concrete are the most common types of houses in the ger khoroolol in Ulaanbaatar. Have a read at the report to find out more about house typologies and heating consumption and lose of average households in Ulaanbaatar.



  • Authors: Geres, People In Need, BEEC, MNCA
  • Languages: English, Mongolian


Baseline study brief report

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Analysis on Household socio-economic survey by the National Statistical Office (English)

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Analysis on Household socio-economic survey by the National Statistical Office (Mongolian)

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The research report (English)

Creation of database on micro, small and medium sized enterprises and brigades operating in construction sector of  Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Download report

The research report (Mongolian)

Download report

Qualification of existing habitat and heating sources (English)

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Qualification of existing habitat and heating sources (Mongolian)

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