Geres would like to thank its financial partners for their commitment, loyalty and trust. Their support is essential to carry out our work and that of our technical partners.
Development Co-operation
French Development Agency (AFD)
ASDI : Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency
Mali-Luxembourg Co-operation
At the service of development co-operation for the last 40 years, LuxDev is indisputably an operational pillar of the Luxembourg bilateral co-operation system. Its mission consists of playing an active part in implementing the development co-operation policy of the Luxembourg government, which essentially aims at eradication of poverty as well as focusing on the social, economic and environmental aspects of sustainable development. In order to achieve these objectives within the framework of global development, Luxembourg devotes 1% of its Gross National Product to official development aid every year.

International Co-operation Department of the Principality of Monaco
The operational priority of the development co-operation policy of the Government of the Principality is poverty reduction. The policy is implemented by the International Co-operation Department and more than 130 projects are supported every year.
En savoir plus

French Global Environment Facility (FFEM)
The FFEM is a bilateral public fund set up in 1994 by the French government following the Rio Summit. Its objective is to promote protection of the global environment in sustainable development projects in developing countries and countries in transition.

ofid : The OPEC Fund for International Development

UNDP: The United Nations Development Programme
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the global development network of the United Nations. It advocates change and connects countries to the knowledge, experience and resources needed to improve the lives of their populations. With a presence in 166 countries, the UNDP helps governments and communities to identify their own solutions to national and global development challenges.

UNEP : The mission of the United Nations Environment Programme
The mission of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is to show the way and encourage co-operation to protect the environment. It also seeks to be a source of inspiration and information for States and their populations and a facilitation tool enabling them to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.

World Food Programme
The World Food Programme is the food aid body of the United Nations. The WFP is the largest humanitarian agency combating hunger in the world by distributing food aid in emergency situations and working with communities to improve their nutritional status and boost their resilience.

ADEME: The Environment and Energy Management Agency
The Environment and Energy Management Agency (Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie - ADEME) is a public industrial and commercial establishment placed under the joint supervision of the Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. ADEME takes part in implementing public policies in the fields of environment, energy and sustainable development.
Abbé Pierre Foundation
Since 2011, the Abbé Pierre Foundation has supported our work to combat energy poverty through improving the housing of poor communities in Central Asia.
Fondation Air Liquide
The Air Liquide Foundation supports research, medical and environmental projects, as well as programs for integration through technical professions, especially for young people. To do this, it relies on the expertise and geographic presence of the Air Liquide Group. Through its experience, flexibility and upstream intervention, it complements public action.
Nexans Foundation
The mission of the Nexans Foundation is to assist and support solidarity-based initiatives across the world aiming to reduce energy insecurity and poverty. Since 2014, it has supported Geres work in Africa to promote the energy transition and improve access to electricity in rural areas.
Prince Albert II de Monaco Foundation
The Prince Albert II de Monaco Foundation seeks to be an accelerator of projects and solutions for the environment. It supports the implementation of innovative ethical solutions in three major fields: climate change, biodiversity and water. Since 2013, the Foundation has supported our work to distribute improved stoves with a view to improving living conditions and protecting the environment in Africa and Asia.
RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation
The RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation supports action in favour of women, particularly via training and professional integration. The Foundation has placed its trust in us since 2012, supporting work in Benin and later in Myanmar to promote women's entrepreneurship in the energy sectors.
Itancia Endowment Fund
The Itancia endowment fund supports specific innovative projects in France and on the African continent, aimed at preserving our planet. The Itancia Endowment Fund has supported our work in France and Morocco since 2012, particularly with regard to implementation of a pilot project to develop passive solar greenhouses for sustainable agriculture in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region.
Synergie Solaire
Synergie Solaire is a co-operative platform aiming to create synergy between entrepreneurs in the solar sector. This endowment fund places its skills at the service of energy access projects. Since 2011, it has been supporting Geres projects in West Africa and Asia to tackle the problems of access to sustainable, high-quality, affordable energy for local communities.
Valorme – Watt for Change Fund
The ambition of the VALOREM – Watt for Change Fund is to promote access to renewable energy for local development, improve living conditions and protect the environment. Since 2019, the VALOREM Fund has supported our efforts to combat energy poverty in France.
QUALITEL endowment fund
In 2020, the QUALITEL Endowment Fund and its partner, the Fonds d'Action pour la Sécurité Electrique (FASE), support the actions to combat fuel poverty carried out by the Geres, as part of its call for projects in support of emblematic and innovative initiatives in favor of housing for the most underprivileged.
Electrical Safety Action Fund
In 2020, the Electrical Safety Action Fund FASE, partner of the QUALITEL Endowment Fund, supports the actions to fight against fuel poverty carried out by the Geres.
Les Petites Pierres endowment fund
Les Petites Pierres Endowment Fund and its partners have supported the actions to combat fuel poverty carried out by the Geres, by doubling the donations from the crowdfunding campaign carried out in October 2020 on the Les Petites Pierres platform.
The endowment fund Solinergy
The endowment fund has been supporting the Geres program to combat fuel poverty since 2019.
Fondation Legallais
Fondation Eurofins
Protéger l’environnement
Améliorer la nutrition et la santé
Supporter les populations en difficulté des pays où Eurofins est implanté
La fondation des amis du Festival de Cannes
Aix-Marseille-Provence Métropole
Aix-Marseille-Provence is a metropolitan authority covering the metropolitan territory around Marseille and Aix-en-Provence in the Bouches-du-Rhône département of France. The Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolitan authority covers 92 municipalities with 1.8 million inhabitants, accounting for 93% of the population of the Bouches-du-Rhône département and 37% of the population of the whole Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region.
City of Paris
The mobilization and awareness-raising work undertaken by Geres with Parisians with regard to equity and solidarity in the fight against climate change makes a strong contribution to the achievement of the City's climate-related objectives. The City of Paris has been a Geres partner since 2017 as an active supporter of Climate Solidarity
Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region
The Regional Council of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur is the deliberative assembly of the PACA region, a decentralized territorial authority operating in the regional territory of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. Its headquarters are in Marseille. Since 2018, the Regional Council has been using the name "Sud – Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region" in place of the acronym PACA.
The Veolia Group's ambition is to become the benchmark company for ecological transformation. With nearly 179,000 employees on five continents, the company designs and implements useful and practical solutions for water, waste and energy management that help to radically change the world. Through its three complementary activities, Veolia contributes to developing access to resources, preserving available resources and renewing them. In 2021, Veolia will become a partner in the #TuGères program designed for young people who want to learn about climate and solidarity issues.
flying blue
Flying Blue is the loyalty programme of the Air France KLM group. The programme allows travellers to build up air miles and take advantage of a large range of gifts which they can pass on to charitable associations. Flying Blue has chosen to support Geres in carrying out solidarity work with vulnerable people and combating climate change.
Maisons du monde
As an active supporter of Climate Solidarity since 2018, Maisons du Monde takes part alongside Geres in the energy transition, by reducing its carbon footprint and that of its stakeholders and supporting the most vulnerable people as they move towards sustainable development and climate change adaptation. Its commitment to Climate Solidarity means that its approach is acknowledged by Geres, because it is part of the dynamics of sustainable development and contributes to the fight against climate change.
Résavia is an online platform for managing property rentals on tourist rental sites. As a Geres partner, Résavia is moving forward by its side on the road to the energy transition, by reducing its carbon footprint and that of its stakeholders and supporting the most vulnerable people as they move towards sustainable development and climate change adaptation.
Résavia undertakes to donate 2% of its turnover to Geres.
As a committed actor for Climate Solidarity since 2019, Muskhane is participating alongside Geres in the energy transition, reducing its carbon footprint and that of its stakeholders, supporting the most vulnerable populations in their trajectory of sustainable development and adaptation to climate change.
Committed to Climate Solidarity, their approach is recognised by Geres, as it is part of a sustainable development dynamic and contributes to the fight against climate change.
The Solagro consultancy places its expertise at the service of the energy, agro-ecological and food transitions. It has been a Geres partner since 2011. As an active supporter of Climate Solidarity since 2019, Solagro takes part alongside Geres in the energy transition, by reducing its carbon footprint and that of its stakeholders and supporting the most vulnerable people as they move towards sustainable development and climate change adaptation. Its commitment to Climate Solidarity means that its approach is acknowledged by Geres, because it is part of the dynamics of sustainable development and contributes to the fight against climate change.
As a committed actor for Climate Solidarity since 2020, We Can is a company specialized in communication strategy and management that helps companies and organizations to align themselves with CSR principles. The We Can team is composed of partners committed to act "Now. For the future".
Committed to Climate Solidarity, their approach is recognised by Geres, as it is part of a sustainable development dynamic and contributes to the fight against climate change.
ATES is a professional network of actors and specialists in fair and solidarity tourism. Created in 2006, approved as a Social Utility Solidarity Enterprise (ESUS), ATES brings together more than 30 travel producers, tourism operators in France and associate members, all committed to making tourism a lever for development and solidarity with local populations and actors.
Recognised at national and international level as a reference organisation for fair and solidarity tourism, it defines and carries the voice of another tourism, made of respect, encounters and exchanges with peoples, know-how and cultures from here and elsewhere.
ATES defines, runs and delivers the Fair Tourism® Label which guarantees the practices of operators in compliance with the Charter of Fair Tourism and Solidarity.
Éthi'Kdo is a non-profit cooperative created by hundreds of French actors of positive impact consumption. Small craftsmen of the zero waste, fair trade and Made in France, large associations of solidarity reuse, we are federated to offer you the first French gift card of 100% ecological and solidarity brands. And since 2020, the ethical, ecological and solidarity card Ethi'kdo is partner with Geres!
Since 2020, Mão boa has been a partner of Geres! This impact startup allows companies to develop the commitment of their employees around their social actions. Through their platform, employees can support associative projects as a team by taking up challenges related to their company's CSR policy. For each challenge taken up, employees earn points that are transformed into a financial donation by their company for the association of their choice.
GRT gaz
GRTgaz owns and operates in France the longest high-pressure natural gas transmission system in Europe.
Tamazirt Evasion
Cyclo Power Factory
éco-conseil Méditerranée
Depuis plus de 10 ans, elle apporte son soutien au Geres et elle est certifiée EMAS (intégrant la norme ISO 14001).
Klaxcar France
La Manufacture Urbaine
Mc Kinsey
Committed to the decisive transformations of its clients, the French office plays a role in accelerating innovation and is strongly anchored in the French economic landscape.
Colis privé
This specialist in home and relay parcel delivery for individuals, within 24 to 48 hours, is a major player in the last mile.