Our publications are at your disposal in this section. You can download them for free.

Technical Videos on sustainable energy in the garment sector in Cambodia

These videos are produced with the financial support of the European Union (EU) and Agence française de développement (AFD). Its ...

Case studies on sustainable energy in the garment sector in Cambodia

These documents are produced with the financial support of the European Union (EU) and Agence française de développement (AFD). Its ...

Unravelling sustainable wood sourcing for garment, textile and footwear industry in Cambodia

This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union (EU) and Agence française de développement (AFD) and ...

Technical Briefs on sustainable Energy in the Garment sector in Cambodia

These documents are produced with the financial support of the European Union (EU) and Agence française de développement (AFD). Its ...

Empowering local authorities to implement climate change & energy transition agenda

This brochure presenting the approach developped throught CEMAATERR project to support the Mongolian Province of Arkhangai in ...

Women’s participation in the Renewable Energy Transition: A Human Right’s Perspective

The energy transition has become imperative to halt the climate emergency. In order to guarantee that the transition is more equitable ...

Stocktaking of energy-efficient technologies in Tajikistan

The study covers the analysis of 21 energy-efficient and habitat improvement solutions that have been piloted in Tajikistan by ...

Intervention strategies to remove barriers to women’s entrepreneurship

By focusing on the issue of women's entrepreneurship based on three concrete situations illustrating the diversity of energy projects ...

Rural energy access for communities and households

This report is the result of field research conducted by Geres in Myanmar on the electric cooking sector. After a baseline study, this ...

The consortium : a pertinent Tool or a high-risk trap?

The consortium has become a common practice in the NGO and international solidarity sphere. It reflects a mode of intervention, ...

Guide to waste prevention and management, fight against food waste

This guide first sets out the main regulatory guidelines for schools. Secondly, the project method is described, step by step, in ...

Methanization – A guide to understand, analyze and take action in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region

This guide on methanization, written by Geres and the Métha'Synergie consortium, is an educational guide to understand, analyze and ...

Report on gender aspects of existing financial schemes for energy poverty measures

In this report, women are recognised in all their diversity, without assigning them the role of passive victims of energy poverty. ...

How to integrate a gender approach into climate projects?

Gender and climate are two cross-cutting issues inherent to any development project. They overlap in several aspects, with the need ...

Passive solar greenhouse construction guide

This guide has been produced to answer farmers' questions. It aims to help them both in the conception of their greenhouse and in its ...

Energy climate information services

Based on its experience in the development and technical animation of Energy Information Offices in France and support to the creation ...

Best Practice Guide for Small Bakeries

In Morocco, Geres has been working since the 1980s to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions. The association has ...

Study reports of the Switch Off Air Pollution project in Mongolia

Baseline study brief report The baseline study research report, prepared by Switch Off Air Pollution’s implementing partner, People in ...

Climate change vulnerability and risks assessment of the Arkhangai province

Results CEMAATERR-I (2017-2019), implemented by Geres Mongolia in Arkhangai aimag in Mongolia, was the territorial approach to ...

Assessment for Covid-19 quarantine impact on target group of “Switch Off Air Pollution” project

The researchers of MIRIM Consultant LLC conducted an assessment on Covid-19 quarantine's impact on the target group of “Switch Off Air ...

Technical Catalogue of Energy Saving Solutions for Kabul Households

This catalogue of technologies adapted to residential houses in Kabul aims to promote sustainable solutions for reducing domestic ...

Series of manuals for solar passive greenhouse construction and production in Mongolia

Geres Mongolia has produced a series of manuals in Mongolian to help build and use passive solar greenhouses. Nutritional advice is ...

Rice husk briquettes for Cambodian garment factories

Cambodia is facing a major environmental threat because of deforestation resulting from forest conversion to agricultural land but ...

Evaluation of the Social Water Management Practices in Saighan Valley, Afghanistan

This study is part of the Central Highlands Programme in Afghanistan. This programme, funded by the French Development Agency (AFD), ...

Climate vulnerability and resilience assessment – Central Highlands

Afghanistan is the 11th most vulnerable country in the world towards climate change current and future effects and impacts. The ...

Evaluating climate change action for sustainable development

The Case of Passive Solar Houses in Afghanistan The book has its genesis in the Climate-Eval Community of Practice hosted by the ...

Study on Management and Regeneration of Pasturelands in High Altitude

This study is part of the Central Highlands Programme in Afghanistan. This programme, funded by the French Development Agency (AFD), ...

GIS Stewardship Survey Report – Central Highlands

This study is part of the Central Highlands Programme in Afghanistan. This programme, funded by the French Development Agency (AFD), ...

Farmers Field Schools Report – Central Highlands

This study is part of the Central Highlands Programme in Afghanistan. This programme, funded by the French Development Agency (AFD), ...

Local management of bio-waste

This publication presents the results of a study on bio-waste initiatives conducted by Geres and GESPER  in the French region of ...

Rural energy assessment

Energy is both a lever essential to our economic development and home comforts and the main source of greenhouse gases which impact ...

How to build an energy efficient house in Tajikistan

A practical guide for rural masters in Tajikistan This practical guide has been conceived in the frame of the “Pilot Initiatives for ...

Charcoal, Forests and Livelihoods in the Northern Cardamoms in Cambodia

Located in the center of the fast growing South-East Asian region, Cambodia is changing quickly but with rapid growth also comes ...

Best practices for shared composting

This photo-story was created with the participation of people involved in a shared-composting initiative in the town of Meyrargues ...

Social Green Fuel Enterprise: social impact assessment

SGFE (Sustainable Green Fuel Enterprise) was created in 2008 by GERES and PSE (Pour un Sourire d’Enfant) with the aim of alleviating ...

Understanding the cost and measuring the impact of energy access projects in developing countries

This study raises the question of the efficiency of energy access projects. It proposes to look at the social, economic and ...

Agroecological innovations in a context of climate change in Africa

Mean temperature and rainfall variability are expected to increase in many regions of the world according to climate change scenarios. ...

Passive solar houses in Afghanistan: final evaluation

This document is the final evaluation report of our project: Passive Solar Houses in Afghanistan Energy as a key factor of local ...

How to better take climate change into account in development funding

This study provides a general overview of the flow of finance to developing countries and the global climate finance. Moreover, this ...

Eco-citizen’s Guide of Pays d’Aubagne et de l’Etoile

The Energy Information Center of Pays d’Aubagne et de l’Etoile launched an experimentation with local families who volunteered to ...

Self-training module on climate change

The Climate and development Commission of Coordination SUD implemented a self-training module for international solidarity actors ...

Energy saving solutions catalog for Kabul households

The beneficial effects of energy efficiency on living conditions, on reduction of fuel consumption, and on the environment can be ...

Energy assessment in Linguère and Ranérou-Ferlo departments

Energy is not only the leverage essential for our economic development and comfortable life, but also the primary source of the ...

Building business cases to reach scale: a study on biomass cookstove business models in Asia and Africa

In early 2014, StovePlus and GIZ-HERA initiated a study to better understand biomass cookstove business models across Asia and ...

Access to finance – a global study

Private sector engagement is key component of Geres action globally as a measure to ensure meaningful and transferable intervention ...

Study of Local Cooking Habits and Adapted Water Boiling Test

The study compares two laboratory test protocols – the Water Boiling Test (WBT) and a version adapted to Cambodian cooking practices ...

Training manual on agro-forestry, renewable energy and adaptation

Developed to help Cambodian farmers practice climate-smart agriculture, this training manual tackles topics on sustainable land ...

ALTERRE Mali: 5 pedagogical brochures

The ALTERRE Mali project is aimed at sustainable development of short biofuel supply chains and local energy services in southeastern ...

Development projects accessing carbon funds

L’étude a été réalisée en 2013, début 2014, par une équipe pluridisciplinaire de consultantes de P3value pour les ONG Geres, ID ...

Growing vegetables in an open field in Tajikistan

In 2011, ASDP Nau and Geres launched a project to help small scale farmers increase their agricultural income in Sughd province: the ...

Climate vulnerability and resilience assessment in Tajikistan

Tajikistan is considered as the most vulnerable country to climate change in Europe and Central Asia, as it already suffers from low ...

Producing eggs in a solar poultry farm in Tajikistan

In 2011, ASDP Nau and GERES launched a project to help small-scale farmers increase their agricultural income in Sughd province, ...

Bagani tulu and the extraction of jatropha oil

The ALTERRE Mali project is aimed at sustainable development of short biofuel supply chains and local energy services in southeastern ...

Apple and potato storage in the bioclimatic cellar

In 2011, ASDP Nau and Geres launched in Tajikistan the construction and use of the bioclimatic cellars in Sughd province: in Fon Dario ...

Outcomes Magazine – Looking back at ten years of activity in Cambodia

Reaching 3 million: how Geres managed the up-scale of the Improved Cookstove Program It is not uncommon for promising programs to ...

Soil conservation and soil fertility management in Tajikistan

In 2011, ASDP Nau and Geres launched a project to promote sustainable land management practices in Sughd province,in Northern ...

Vegetable production in a solar greenhouse in Tajikistan

In 2011, ASDP Nau and GERES launched a project to promote the construction and use of greenhouses in Sughd province: the target areas ...

User guide to high-quality agonlin groundnut oil production

The “User guide to high-quality agonlin groundnut oil production” is a tool for capitalising on the good practices disseminated to the ...

User guide to cassava processing equipment

The “User guide to cassava processing equipment” is a technical capitalization document which describes the advantages and operation ...

Nationwide domestic use of cooking fuels and devices

This study completed in late-2013 provides a countrywide overview of the current market for domestic biomass cooking devices and ...

Practical guidance for scaling-up of sustainable buildings and energy projects

A review of good practices and lessons learned from cold regions in Asia Many good and comprehensive technical books have been ...

User guide to palm fruit processing equipment

The “User guide to palm fruit processing equipment” is a technical capitalization document which describes the advantages and ...

ClimTerr Toolkit – Adaptation to climate change

The ClimTerr Toolkit (“Adaptation to climate change in the sylvi-pastoral Ferlo region”) is a pedagogical tool for local government ...

Catalog of efficient technolgies in Tajikistan

9 ways of saving energy for rural households… Geres has been in Tajikistan since 2011 with the aim to develop a sustainable process ...

Horticultural Greenhouses in Tajikistan

During the Soviet time in Tajikistan, the most common greenhouse design was a glasshouse heated with coal or gas or geothermia. With ...

Construction guide for greenhouses in Mongolia

The project “Food Security and Innovative Farming Approaches for Mongolia” (2010-2013) is led by the French NGO “Secours Catholique”, ...

Passive Solar Housing – Stakeholder testimonies

Geres along with five partner  NGOs  (Ecosphere,  LEDEG,  LEHO,  LNP  and SECMOL) formed a consortium to implement a project from 2009 ...

Innovative low-energy habitat solutions

Reducing pressures on rural communities and fragile eco-systems in the trans-Himalayas After successfully completing a project on ...

Guide to Small-Scale Hydropower and Environment in the PACA Region

This guide suggests a methodological approach to setting up small-scale hydropower projects. It defines the environmental restrictions ...

Artificial glaciers in Ladakh: a socio-economic analysis

The cold desert region of Ladakh is an isolated, inhospitable terrain that lies in the western Himalayas sandwiched between Pakistan ...

Energy poverty in PACA best practices guidebook

Released in November 2012, this guide is intended to help professionals who tackle energy poverty, particularly local authorities, ...

Transparency study : an initiative of the Ethicarbone project

As of January 2012, Africa represented less than 3% of registered project activities for the Clean Development Mechanism implemented ...

Suppressed Demand and the carbon markets

Geres conducted in 2011, with the support of CDC Climat, a 1-year research study on Suppressed Demand. This concept aims at combating ...

Tool sheets: introduction to carbon finance

These tool sheets were designed by Geres for the EthiCarbone project, conducted in partnership with Nexus in West Africa, which aimed ...

Anaerobic digestion in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur

Anaerobic digestion makes it possible to recover organic materials to produce both a renewable energy and a fertilizer. It has ...

How to Adapt your House to Climate Change

Climate Change is usually referred to as “changes in the weather patterns over an extended period of time” that a given region ...

Passive Solar Housing in India: impact study

Indoor smoke, resulting from bio-fuel contains a range of health-damaging pollutants, such as small particles and carbon monoxide. In ...

Integrating climate change adaptation into development projects

Geres has published this guidebook in the context of studies led by the Climate-Development Commission of Coordination Sud. Geres, in ...

Composting box

The composting box is a pedagogical tool designed to promote local composting and sustainable development. It is aimed at teachers who ...

Passive Solar Houses Leaflet

In the high valleys of the Himalayas, people live cut off in high altitude wilderness conditions. They experience extreme living ...

Testimonials of passive solar houses users in Ladakh

Passive solar architecture is an innovative technology that has been implemented in Ladakh since the 80’s. It uses the sun as a source ...

Introduction of energy efficiency in public buildings in Afghanistan

This booklet gives an overview of the solutions to implement to study and treat health in better conditions while consuming less ...

Energy-efficient public buildings in Afghanistan

This  construction technical guide of public buildings with high energy performance is based on a three years experience in ...

Affordable warmth for all

This guidebook has been produced as part of the European FinSH project – Financial and Support Instruments for Fuel Poverty in Social ...

Eco-friendly waste management guide for middle schools in Bouches-du-Rhône

The eco-friendly waste management guide for Bouches-du-Rhône colleges is aimed at any initiator of actions concerning waste in a ...

Improved greenhouse: agro running

Due to the harsh winter conditions of Ladakh, fresh vegetables are quite seasonal and can grown only in open field from May to ...

Passive solar greenhouse in Ladakh: case study

The issues of food security and nutrition are at the very core of sustainable mountain development, and yet they tend not to be given ...

Dissemination of domestic efficient cookstoves in Cambodia

Looking back on a 10-year programme combining development, fight against climate change and environmental protection. Lessons learned ...

Energy and climate change in cold regions of Asia Proceedings of the Seminar

Local, national and international organisations from Hindu-Kush Himalaya, Central Asia and Europe gathered at Leh in April 2009 to ...

Renewable energy and development in rural Africa

Renewable energy and development in rural Africa 10 information sheets to help understand energy needs, find out about current ways of ...

The challenges of biofuels for the farming community in Mali

Controversy rages over biofuels! Rising farm produce prices and the associated food crises, competing land uses, environmental impacts ...

Solar greenhouse, running manual

This manual is based on experimentation and studies led in Ladakh (3500m altitude). The passive solar greenhouse designed by GERES is ...

Public Perceptions of Climate Change in Cambodia

This study documents Cambodian people’s insights about issues that are commonly associated with climate change, and the coping ...

Solar Greenhouses for the Trans-Himalayas: a construction manual

One of the major challenges is to help communities use the inactive winter period to increase food security and generate additional ...

How to combine energy efficiency and microfinance in Morocco?

This study attempts to understand how one can combine energy efficiency and microfinance in Morocco. It was conducted by PlaNet ...

Best practices Guidebook « Climate, Energy, Development »

18 exemplary approaches in the countries of the south This book presents an overview of technologies and exemplary approaches that ...

Local compositing in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur

A “local composting mission” has been set up and supported by the PACA regional administration to promote composting at local level. ...

The compost market in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur

Geres has conducted a study of the compost market in the PACA region, at the request of ADEME and the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur ...

Guide to decision-making for the creation of dry food production units

The number of food drying businesses in developing countries is increasing and the impact that they can have on socio-economic ...

Setting up a food drying business (a step-by-step guide)

The number of food drying businesses in developing countries is increasing and the impact that they can have on socio-economic ...

Climate Vulnerability and Resilience of Ladakh Communities

The Himalayas in general and the Tibetan Plateau (of which Ladakh forms a part) in particular are generally counted among global ...

Energy management at health facilities-developing countries

This guide aims to inform readers about energy management issues and the solutions that can help control energy consumption at a ...

A manual of Solar Greenhouse construction in Ladakh

The greenhouse design proposed in this booklet is the result of practical improvements made by Indian NGOs and by farmers themselves ...

Decentralized waste water treatment systems in developing countries

This book is intended not only for development planners and project leaders seeking to disseminate decentralized wastewater treatment ...

Drying foodstuff

This book is a summary of the techniques and methods for improving and developing foodstuff drying activities.The analyses and data ...

Solar heating in cold regions

This guide book is primarily a technical guide to the design and production of solar installations in regions where heating is an ...


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