ClimTerr Toolkit – Adaptation to climate change

The ClimTerr Toolkit (“Adaptation to climate change in the sylvi-pastoral Ferlo region”) is a pedagogical tool for local government officials who want to be advised on the implementation of their local climate policies. It includes a kit with seven pedagogical sheets, an atlas and a poster.
The kit (“To integrate climate instability into local governing”) aims to help better define priority actions at the local level to reduce the vulnerability of the area to climate change. It is composed of 7 factsheets that go over the different steps of the implementation of a territorial climate plan. The readers will be provided with some theorical content that explains the applied methodology, as well as practical advice to conduct the activities.
The atlas (“Vulnerability of the Ferlo region to climate change”) is another analysis tool. It provides a reliable pre-diagnosis for the process of implementing integrated territorial energy and climate plans.
Finally, the poster (“Adaptation: to understand to better plan”) summarizes the steps to analyze the context and implement solutions.
This toolkit has received the financial support of the Rhône-Alpes region (France) throughout the conduct of the project.
- Edition: Geres
- Authors: Vanessa Laubin, Yann François, Madické Seck
- Year: 2013
- Language: French
La méthodologie en quelques mots
Caractérisation du milieu et des moyens d’existence
Caractérisation du contexte et des risques climatiques
Analyse du niveau actuel de vulnérabilité
Prospective territoriale intégrant les risques climatiques futurs
Sélection des stratégies d’adaptation
La mise en œuvre du plan climat
Atlas des vulnérabilités territoriales du Ferlo fa ce aux changements climatiques
Carte de synthèse Atlas CLIMTERR
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