Benin FRESH : Climate-resilient innovation for energy efficiency in housing Mongolia In many countries, the effects of climate change and rapid urbanization are exposing urban and peri-urban populations to extreme heat. Many homes are poorly insulated and unsuited to...
Mongolia Improving access to financing for the energy transition in agriculture Mongolia With many years of experience in Mongolian agricultural projects, we are launching a new program of innovation and support for small agricultural exploitants localized in the...
Mongolia Energy efficiency and thermal comfort of educational buildings in Arkhangai Mongolia This project, whose action program runs from 2019 to 2021, aims at improving education conditions in schools in Arkhangai by optimizing the energy efficiency of buildings....
Mongolia Energy renovation of fragile housing in urban areas of Ulaanbaatar Mongolia Building on Geres’ 20 years of experience in Asia’s cold climate, the project “Switch off air pollution” (2018-2022), supported by the European Union, aims at offering...
Mongolia Arkhangai, a pilot province to address climate change and energy challenges Mongolia The first phase of the CEMAATERR program, which successfully spanned from 2017 to 2019, aimed at raising awarness and supporting Arkhangai in mainstreaming adaptation and...