Benin FRESH : Climate-resilient innovation for energy efficiency in housing Mongolia In many countries, the effects of climate change and rapid urbanization are exposing urban and peri-urban populations to extreme heat. Many homes are poorly insulated and unsuited to...
Tajikistan Energy efficiency for improved living conditions in Tajikistan Tajikistan Affordable energy saving solutions based on passive solar and bioclimatic architecture. Context and challenges In Tajikistan, 29% of households live below the poverty line (1.9...
Tajikistan Bioclimatic houses and support for agricultural development in Tajikistan Tajikistan Implementation of passive solar techniques and thermal insulation processes in housing and agriculture in Tajikistan (2011-2013) Context and challenges In Tajikistan, the...
Tajikistan Adaptation to climate change in Tajikistan Tajikistan In 2014, Geres conducted a study on vulnerability and resilience to climate change for communities living in the Iskander Dario Valley. context and challenges Tajikistan is considered as the most...