19 December 2019
Technical assistance on rural energy access in the Boucle du Mouhoun region – Establishment of an electrified business park
Country / Year
Burkina Fasso / 2018-2019
Cowater Sogema Internationa
Summary and Geres role
The ECED-Mouhoun project seeks to speed up sustainable economic growth in Burkina Faso through targeted measures. All the components relate to the problems of energy access in rural areas and aim at participation in economic development and improvements in people’s living environment. The project team decided to call on Geres for technical assistance with a view to replicating the electrified business park model already developed by Geres in Mali.
Geres provided technical assistance in two phases.
The first covered:
- A rural energy diagnostics exercise
- Identification and selection of a pilot site
- A feasibility study on setting up a pilot Electrified Business Park (EBP)
The second phase focused on:
- Selection of types of businesses and entrepreneurs established in the EBP
- Energy and infrastructure sizing
- Calls for tender, publication and evaluation of bids (building and energy system)
- Technical acceptance of equipment and works
- Establishment of a sustainable management model for the EBP
- Sharing of media and tools on the development and management of the EBP
- General support and sharing of experience on the establishment of the EBP (including a study trip to the EBP in Konséguéla developed by Geres)
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